Services for Adults

Services for Adults

The Career Pathing Method (CPM) is an in-depth career development approach, which involves two major elements: Vision and Strengths

VISIONING involves thinking about your career possibilities and identifying your desired future. Many people forget their goals, aspirations and wants in their career. Discovering your true goals, needs and wants will assist you in exploring jobs that are aligned with who you really are. A vision provides clear direction, allowing you to experience new perspectives and find deeper meaning and purpose.

THE OTHER CRITICAL FACTOR IS STRENGTHS. It is a human tendency to focus on criticism instead of praise. Do you recall your job performance reviews? On receiving poor feedback, people become too focused on their failings, ignoring strong areas of performance. A typical approach that many people take on receiving negative feedback is to improve their “bad” areas. Overtime people tend to normalize their weaknesses, forgetting to strengthen their natural talents. As a result, a lot of people end up in careers using only average competencies, as opposed to designing and establishing a focused career path where they can maximize their unique strengths and talents.

The advantages of strategically using strengths to design a highly fulfilling career is undeniable. A study conducted by the Gallup organization found that people exercising their unique talents were significantly more likely to report having an excellent quality of life and higher engagement within their career, over those who did not.

A successful career strategy is based on a clear vison of what you want your career and life to be, while using your special talents and strengths

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